La Sala Alcalá 31, Madrid

Luis Gordillo | Tell me who you are


Sala Alcalá 31  presents  “ Tell me who you are, ” an exhibition that brings together an extensive selection of works by Luis Gordillo from the last twenty years and analyzes in depth the most notable lines of research from this last period. Two decades in which Gordillo has placed painting at the center, with special importance to the constant feedback that exists between it and photography, collage and drawing, a very characteristic territory of the artist in which the image in process defines configurations. internal ones that build the work.

A field, that of painting, that in this 21st century, has freed itself from narrow self-definitions and thinks of the image as something aquatic, as things that go away and are lost, like water goes through the hands. In that sense, the works in this exhibition are understood as containers whose function is to give an external form to what flows, to what ends. Although everything in his latest painting is about to begin.

This exhibition links with the exhibition that the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía dedicated to him in 2007, the year in which the artist was awarded the Velázquez Prize for Plastic Arts. For this reason, “ Tell me who you are” begins with the piece that closed that exhibition to then delve into the artistic corpus that he has been creating since then. With the agitated and active pulse that transmits the energy of an artist who, at 89, is still active and with a clear influence on new generations, the Sala Alcalá 31 organizes the largest retrospective of his work in Madrid since then.

Installation Views

  • Luis Gordillo, Who are I, tell me, exhibition view at Alcalá 31, Madrid, 2023
    Photo: Roberto Ruiz

  • Luis Gordillo, Who are I, tell me, exhibition view at Alcalá 31, Madrid, 2023
    Photo: Roberto Ruiz

  • Luis Gordillo, Who are I, tell me, exhibition view at Alcalá 31, Madrid, 2023
    Photo: Roberto Ruiz

  • Luis Gordillo, Who are I, tell me, exhibition view at Alcalá 31, Madrid, 2023
    Photo: Roberto Ruiz

  • Luis Gordillo, Who are I, tell me, exhibition view at Alcalá 31, Madrid, 2023
    Photo: Roberto Ruiz

  • Luis Gordillo, Who are I, tell me, exhibition view at Alcalá 31, Madrid, 2023
    Photo: Roberto Ruiz