The Bass Museum of Art, Miami

Arturo Herrera | Together


Open-ended and provocative by nature, Arturo Herrera’s artistic practice often intertwines fragments of cartoon characters with abstract shapes and partially obscured images in an attempt to tap into the viewer’s unconscious by evoking memory and recollection. As an exploration evolved out of his multicultural identity, the resulting works lie on the shifting border between legibility and abstract as Herrera effortlessly communicates the familiar in a way that can be pushed into abstraction through fragmentation and dislocation.

Installation Views

  • Arturo Herrera, Together, 2020, latex on wall, 457.2 x 2164.1 cm, exhibition view at The Bass Museum of Art, Miami, Flroida, 2020
    Photo: Zaire Kacz

  • Arturo Herrera, Together, 2020, latex on wall, 457.2 x 2164.1 cm, exhibition view at The Bass Museum of Art, Miami, Flroida, 2020
    Photo: Zaire Kacz

  • Arturo Herrera, Together, 2020, latex on wall, 457.2 x 2164.1 cm, exhibition view at The Bass Museum of Art, Miami, Flroida, 2020
    Photo: Zaire Kacz

  • Arturo Herrera, Together, 2020, latex on wall, 457.2 x 2164.1 cm, exhibition view at The Bass Museum of Art, Miami, Flroida, 2020
    Photo: Zaire Kacz