Titled Double Trouble and curated by Matthieu Poirrier, the exhibition provides a sensory experience that disrupts the perceptive habits of visitors of Auguste Perret‘s architectural masterpiece. Spectacular, poetic and playful, the main work is spread over more than 1,200 square feet and is 20 feet high. It literally submerges the rigorous geometry of Perret under the immense waves of translucent and colored textiles.
Echoing our troubled political and social period, the exhibition is part of a double logic too: on the one hand disrupting the clarity of Auguste Perret’s strict orthogonal plan and, on the other hand, inventing new kinds of colors, which are deployed in real time and space, turning the site into a source of a new sensory experience.
The main installation is completed by trompe-l’oeil photographs proposed in dialogue with Perret’s surrounding architecture, a set of photographs from Fundos series will be placed on the periphery of the main installation. They consist of shots of the interior of simple packing boxes, but give the impression of representing modernist or minimalist architectures, like that of Perret.