When You Fall Into a Trance tells the story of Dominique – a neuroscientist who both researches and manifests the belief that memories are stored in flesh. Her primary patient, Simon, is afflicted with a neural disorder that affects his understanding of the position of his limbs and the effort required to move them. He can no longer control ordered movement and is unable to activate his own body without looking at it. If you turn off the light in a room, he falls over. Simon‘s perceptual boundaries have shifted. Even simple acts like pouring a glass of water have become unachievable. Dominique helps Simon relearn how to move by retraining his mind. He must first imagine his gestures so that he can actualize them. When You Fall Into a Trance depicts Dominique‘s kaleidoscopic workaholism, estranged relationship with her daughter, and recourse to Internet dating as her work and personal life begin to meld. The film embodies the disl-ocation between intent and form, a romance of machines, and the mechanization of emotions.