We cordially invite you to Jean-Luc Moulène’s second solo exhibition in the gallery. The exhbition “Collection Hiver 2000” is a selection of new images: color photographs, black and white photographs and a series of photographic images. The series (or seriograph) stems from two different work cycles realized in the past few years. One consists of the cityscapes taken in Berlin, these titled “Berlinbilder”,Rome and Paris. The other is the “Documents Poétiques” which were recently shown in the Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris.
Whether the photographer’s eye captures a plaza, a public thoroughfare, a face or an urban still life, the motifs of Moulène’s photographs, just like the city itself, convey neither an established system nor a logic imposed by the artist. They depict moments of a city’s subjective reality, they are “intermediate images” (“Zwischenbilder”) selected/taken for their theatrality (drema) and ordinariness, Jean-Luc Moulène uses photography to go beyond a documentation of reality. The photographs result “en passant” and are the productions of the optical signs whicht create a picture: namely, light, perspective, color and a summation of forms. These are images that create space and function as decor at the same time. It is ths aspects that draws the viewer into the works duing his walk through the gallery.
“Documents Poétiques” is based on research of poetic archetypes that deal with the individual in the urban environment. How can a summation of words, emotions and ideas be ransfered into a single autonomous image that represents a certain type valid for all images. “The” child and “the” young woman on the bus, both are part of these poetic myths, yet at the same time, they personify the banality of the street and their own unspectacular present.