The space 52 hosts a new large-scale installation by Michel François. In the space 51, Michel François invites François Curlet to present a series of works, which they realised together. Curlet is born in 1967 an lives and works in France and Belgium. François Curlet started to collaborate with fellow student Franck Scurti. The first collaboration with Michel François took place in 1996, in Fortlaan Gallery, Gent. Also, that year, François Curlet founded and registered the name People Day® as a trademark which enables him to assume the recycling of various micro activities of the everyday life. Following collaborations occurred with Stephane Calais, Michael Dans and lately with Pierre Huyghes and Philipe Parreno. Within the framework of the Ann Lee project, which is the fruit of his latest collaboration, François Curlet is invited to create a new life for the manga.