
Paul Graham | American Night


 We are delighted to announce Paul Graham’s first solo exhibition in our  gallery and to present a selection of large-format photographs from his most recent series, “American Night”, for the first time in Germany.

Paul Graham’s photography explores the border area between art and reportage, between pissoir walls and war-torn landscapes in Northern Ireland. He first attracted attention in the late 80s with his documentary series of colour photographs commenting on the radical reshaping of British society under Margaret Thatcher (“Beyond Caring”) or conveying the tensions of the conflict in Northern Ireland (“Troubled Land”). Only when one looks closer does his pictorial strategy reveal the searing topicality of the scenes he depicts. The seemingly idyllic Irish landscapes prove to be images of a war zone.

Installation Views

  • Paul Graham, American Night, exhibition view at carlier | gebauer, Berlin, 2004

  • Paul Graham, American Night, exhibition view at carlier | gebauer, Berlin, 2004

  • Paul Graham, American Night, exhibition view at carlier | gebauer, Berlin, 2004