carlier | gebauer, Madrid, is pleased to present a solo exhibition by South Korean artist Kyungah Ham. This exhibition will include works from the artist’s SMS series as well as a video installation, Soccer Painting by the Soccer Ball Bouncing Over Crocodile River. […]
One major aspect that persists throughout Ham’s work is an element of danger—just like the Crocodile River that must be crossed for life—that exists between the artist’s attempt to reveal the hidden reality and the failure to do so. Ham’s other previous projects have unfolded with conscious awareness of these dangers. As Ham has often noted, if the role of a visual artist is to bring the invisible reality to the surface, the reality as observed by the artist and the reality of her works must be inevitably linked and interweaved with one another, and so is the ambivalent relationship between the microscopic and the macroscopic and an individual and the system he or she belongs to. In such ways, the fragments of camouflaged details in the SMS series and the layers of colorful splashes of paint left by a bouncing soccer ball create a collective whisper that tells a story of a time spent in struggle with each stroke as an evidence of its existence.