carlier | gebauer

Marcellvs L.

Slow Ontology

Slow Ontology, exhibition view

Slow Ontology, exhibition view

Slow Ontology, 2014, High-definition video transferred to hard disk, synchronised three-channel video installation, four-channel sound system, 49 minutes 39 seconds, video still

Slow Ontology, 2014, High-definition video transferred to hard disk, synchronised three-channel video installation, four-channel sound system, 49 minutes 39 seconds, video still

Slow Ontology, 2014, High-definition video transferred to hard disk, synchronised three-channel video installation, four-channel sound system, 49 minutes 39 seconds, video still

Slow Ontology, 2014, High-definition video transferred to hard disk, synchronised three-channel video installation, four-channel sound system, 49 minutes 39 seconds, video still

Slow Ontology, 2014, High-definition video transferred to hard disk, synchronised three-channel video installation, four-channel sound system, 49 minutes 39 seconds, video still

Dreamlessness, 2015, 2-channel audio composition, exhibition view

Dreamlessness, 2015, 2-channel audio composition, exhibition view